Welcome to the website of House Allotment Committee , UT Chandigarh. The house allotment Committee looks after the allotment of Government houses in Chandigarh .
There are about approx. 13000 houses in different categories. In an endeavour to make the system transparent and user friendly, this website has been designed keeping in mind the queries and problems faced by the applicants/allottees of Government Houses.
A bidding based application was developed for Government Houses Allotments & maintenance i.e. e-Awas, which is running successfully in Chandigarh UT. The e-Awas system is integrated with Payroll System of Chandigarh UT, Haryana and Punjab through APIs to filter out the garbage data at the time of applicant registration and also to fetch the house rent records (license fee) from their respective payroll systems. In this system the allotment and vacating process are automated without any manual interventions. These services include online application receipt, verification, bidding, and allocation. The system can provide information on house allotment and vacation, generate and update seniority-based lists, issue rent payment details, allow bidding for vacant houses, handle mutual exchange applications, and manage employee grievances and complaints.
Any suggestions to improve the system are most welcome. Please also feel free to report any error in the data that might have crept inadvertently.